We Need To Talk About Kefir

Ho ho kidding! Not that Kiefer, though at some point we might need to talk about him (not kidding).

It's Kefir, it's good for you! Is it?  No idea, but after a few months of feeling like cack I've taken myself in hand and am finally sorting myself out.  Where better to start than with good bacteria because, altogether now ..... that's what it's all about Noooo! to ockey cokey, Nooo! to ockey cokey, Nooo! to ockey cokey, knees bend, arm stretch ra ra rah!  There. I feel better already.

Actually I don't drink much in the way of coke bar the odd can here and there during a particularly foul hangover and possibly a glass or two a couple of times a year in a splash of Jack Daniels when the mood takes me but you get the drift.  It's time to Just Say No (No!) to putting any old crap in my body willy nilly and replacing it with stuff that actually contains, you know, vitamins, minerals, good bacteria and all the other things that 'they' say is good for you.

Since Monday not an ounce of refined sugar has passed my lips, nor a drop of alcohol.  It's been green smoothies, loads of veg - mostly green, fruit, lean protein and eggs all the way and I am feeling soooo much more healthier for it.  I have drunk a river of tea and coffee because I'm not a fucking saint and I am going out tomorrow night to a Japanese Restaurant but you can't get much healthier than edamame and sashimi, right???  There will undoubtably be sake (KANPAI!) and a cocktail or two to help it all slip down but as I said earlier, I am not a fucking saint and nor would I want to be because where's the fun in that?

Anyway, Kefir. I spotted it out of the corner of my eye in the supermarket and have to admit was lured closer by the packaging.  Ooo I thought, as I read the blurb, I could definitely do with some of this.  I won't regurgitate the science bit here because the people that make the stuff have done it all so well over on Bio-tiful Dairy but in a nutshell it's full of gut friendly bacteria. I'm happy to report back that it tastes rather good - like a very, very good natural yoghurt only slightly runnier - which is a relief as I was concerned it might taste like a goat's arse.  There are other flavours apparently (I'm guessing goat's arse isn't one of them) but for now I'm sticking with this green fella.

Today's post title was inspired by the AMAZING book We Need To Talk About Kevin by Lionel Shriver.  It kicks some series arse.  I don't often read books twice, so many books to read so little time etc. but I've read this one twice and plan to do so again at some point.  The film is also brilliant.  So often it's not but I think it stands alongside the book very well (has Tilda Swinton EVER been in a shit film?  I don't think so).
Read it, watch it and then read it again.

The image of Keifer Sutherland is a still from the film Bright Lights, Big City which also stars Michael J Fox.  Watch out for a post about MJF in the not too distant (back to the) future.  See what I did there? 


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